MBA Leadership Reflection

MBA Leadership Reflection

MBA509 Program Final Project: Organizational Assessment (PPT)
MBA513 Final Project: Committed to Leadership (Course Reflection Summary PPT)
MBA503 Final Project: Leading Organizational Change (Course Reflection Summary PPT)

MBA509 Organization Assessment (Summary Final Project PPT)
I was asked why I want to have an MBA and what will be my concentration, I said I want to know how I can start my own business, and I want to learn where and how to start if I walk into a for-rent space. After this Organization Assessment course, I know I have learned knowledge that enables me to analyze internal challenges about an organization, and to lead the organization or to start a small business of my own.

The objectives in learning Organizational Assessment is to learn to assess an organization according to the performance excellence standards to identify an organization's overall internal challenges in achieving its mission. In this project, the assessment is conducted according to the standards of excellence outlined by "THE MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE AWARD". 

I put this PPT before Leadership because I think it is better to assess an organization before conducting a self-assessment of leadership capability.

MBA513 Leadership (Summary Final Project PPT)

Leadership Assessment is what we are learning in this course that theobjective is since no longer "how I want to be a leader of this organization" but "why I am the leader this organization needs for its challenges and how I can lead if a leader-candidate." 
So, for my final project, I analyzed what type of leader this organization needs, then I assess if I am good this type of leader with what background & experiences, etc.
Note: I chose the Ten Thousand Villages as the organization for the reason I share their passion to help artisans and I am willing to participate their causes, but I have a personal reason not to work there as a leader, nor that I have such an ambition. So, I devoted my homework to analyze their addressed challenges and recommended my help as a leader-in-training. (*"devoted" is more accurate than "dedicated" because I haven't sent any recommendation to the Ten Thousand Villages yet.)
This is my MBA513 homework, not a job application.
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Note*(Slide 8): The flowchart designing process is a process of conducting situation analysis, providing an immediate reaction, evaluating updates, and taking further action. 

MBA503 Leading Organizational Change (Summary Final Project PPT)

*Note 1 (Slide 4)
Dr. Pam believes an organization is a composes of its tasks and designed structures, so I chose Nadler and Tushman’s model because it emphasizes the formality of an organization is the basis of its tasks.

Other change analysis models:
Sherman's stresses the growth is dynamic and nonlinear, 
Quinn's competing model addressed that it needed to be both flexible and controllable. 
Greiner's model details how organizations grow from creativity and struggle through its imbalance of flexibility and controllable to dynamically congruent with its environment. 

Stacey's argument is to guide this struggle with a strategy to dynamically connect individuals and organizations to foster some self-organization as well as alignment among parts.

*Note 2 (Slide 8)
I chose to use "Give Voice Values" which emphasizes the change happened through paying attention to the ethical/moral values.

Other change process modules:
Lewin's outlined what the process stages are in a change process,
Kotter's detailed what managerial operation tasks are in the change process,
Duck's is about what human resources alignment tasks are in the change process.
Beckhard & Harris is about on-going momentums' recognition as well as migrating to the existing status quo in the change process,

The Changing Path is about how to strategically shape the changing path in the change process.


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